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Focus On IELTS , teacher's Book / Книга вчителя англійської мови

  • Готово до відправки
  • Оптом і в роздріб
  • Код: 9781408239179

1 116 ₴

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  • +380 (67) 579-94-58
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Focus On IELTS , teacher's Book / Книга вчителя англійської мови
Focus On IELTS , teacher's Book / Книга вчителя англійської мовиГотово до відправки
1 116 ₴
  • +380 (67) 579-94-58
    Замовлення по телефону не приймають
Інформація для замовлення

Англійська мова | Focus On IELTS. Teacher's Book. Книга вчителя | Pearson-Longman
Published 2010.
With its increased focus on academic skills, this updated version of Focus on IELTS not only prepares students for the IELTS examination but also equips them with the tools that they need for success once they enter academic life. Focus on IELTS new edition maintains its popular topic based approach but has been thoroughly revised and now contains new material including sections on academic vocabulary and style, critical thinking and reflective learning, all aimed at helping students succeed in their future studies. There is thorough exam skills training and graded practice to help students' pass the exam.
* New Critical Thinking and Reflective Learning training helps students become more analytical and therefore more effective as learners.
* New Academic Vocabulary sections systematically build up students' knowledge of the all-important Academic Word List.
* New Academic Style sections focus on key aspects of academic English, and develop students' ability to achieve an appropriately formal style.
* The Key Language Bank provides a reference tool and extra practice activities to help students build their vocabulary and knowledge of grammar.
* An expanded Writing Practice Bank provides model answers and additional writing practice for both Tasks 1 and 2.
* Error Hit Lists help students eliminate common errors from their work.
* Additional practice exam is available on the interactive iTest on the CD-ROM.
* Image shows the main component of the series

Мова виданняАнглійська
Користувацькі характеристики
АвторSue O'connell
Вивчення мовиАнглійська
  • Ціна: 1 116 ₴

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